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List of commands

Command Name Parameter Command Description
~help none Return list of help categories.
~mod none Return list of moderation commands.
~math none Return list of math commands.
~fun none Return list of fun commands.
~gamehelp none Return list of game commands.
~others none Return list of other commands.
~serverinfo none Return general information of server/guild.
~ping none Return ping calculated from message created date in miliseconds(ms).
~ban [mentioned user] [reason] Mentioned user in server(required), reason (optional). Ban mentioned user from server.
~kick [mentioned user] Mentioned user in server(required). Kick mentioned user from server.
~say [text] text(required). return the given text parameter.
~pfp [mentioned user] Mentioned user in server(required). return the profile of mentioned user.
~info [roblox username] Roblox username(required). return general information of user on Roblox (Note: this doesn't return account password or email).
~bugreport [reason] reason of bot bug(required). send report to bot developer.
~botinfo none return general information of bot.
~setwelcome [channel id] [greet text] channel id(optional), greet text(optional). notify user joined guild to specific channel with greet text, if channel id blank then it set to current message channel, if greet text blank then it set "to Welcome to the {server} server, {member}".
~currentwelcome none return current greet text and the channel of greet text.
~testwelcome none trigger user joined to notify with current user name.
~removewelcome none remove greet text and disable it.
~e [emote name] emote name(required) return roblox emote with current emote name as gif.
~how are you [user] mentioned user or user id(optional) generate meaningless image.
~c [math operation] math operation/math problem(required) return answer of the current problem.
~hapus [user] mentioned user or user id(optional) generate delete file dialog of current profile(image).
~tags [user] mentioned user or user id(optional) generate tags roblox meme of current profile(image).
~g spam add none add 1 to spam stats then save it.
~g spam total none return current total spam data.
~g spam lb none return current leaderboard data.
~g work none get money depend on profit then save the data.
~g bal none return total money the user have and profit.
~vote none return link to vote (top.gg).
~play [music name/youtube url] music name or youtube link(required) bot join the user VC channel then play the current music from queue
(Bot will automatically leave when there no more music).
~queue none return current of queue musics.
~skip none skip the current music then continue if next music available.
~stop none stop music and reset all queue, bot leave the VC channel.
~deletemusic [index/music list] index/music list(required) remove the music from current queue, search by index/music list.
~userinfo [user] mentioned userr/user id(required) return general information of current user.
~binary [binary/text] binary/text(required) return translated binary/binary of text.
~mute [user] [duration] user(required), duration(optional) give 'mute' role to user, if its not created then bot will create muted role.